Our GRP Team expects the Global Restoration Project to evolve steadily. As we see it now, the GRP has the following Character, Mission, Vision, and Themes:

Character: The GRP is an informal multidisciplinary think tank involving legal and policy experts eager to exchange ideas revolving around global ecological restoration.

Mission: …to provide a diverse collaborative forum for exploring the overlapping character of today’s global ecological crises by welcoming multiple points of view – with the aim of finding ways to restore the natural systems that make our Earth a living planet.

Vision: …a restored natural global home rooted in shared values of intergenerational and inter-species equity.

A Partial List of Themes: Global ecological restoration /Energy, technology, agriculture, habitat /International law and policy reform /Inter-generational and inter-species equity /Environmental governance for the 22nd century /Data-driven analytical rigor /Open, lively, and respectful discourse

Why we want you here:

(1) to contribute ideas, perspective linkages to related organizations, and energy (not money) to the Global Restoration Project and (2) to benefit from the resources that the GRP povides - information, contacts, essays, and more. For details, see the “What You Can Do” page, under the “About Us” tab. Also, as we continue developing the GRP (and our website), we welcome any suggestions and questions you might have. These can be directed to Contact@GlobalRestorationProject.org.

View our latest issue of the GRP Gazette here.