The Global Restoration Project has compiled the below database of organizations that have goals and purposes adjacent to those of the Global Restoration Project. We are not endorsed by any of these organizations, nor are we formally affiliated. Rather, this database is intented to orient the Global Restoration Project in a wider landscape of organizations and worldviews that reflect our own values. In particular, this database is a resource to other persons and organizations interested in transforming agriculture.

Organization Description
Aboriginal Carbon Foundation Founded in Australia in 2010, the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation builds viable economies on Aboriginal lands. Through the ethical trade of carbon credits, ACF supports carbon farming projects that benefit Indigenous people and address climate change.
African Bamboo Founded in Ethiopa in 2012, African Babmoo is focused on creating sustainable supply chain for industrial bamboo production, as it is one of Ethiopia’s main exports. It has organized over 2,000 farmers, training them in sustainable farming and harvesting as well as encouraging the use of local fuel sources and eco-friendly products.
African Conservation Centre Established in 1995, the African Conservation Center seeks to conserve biodiversity in East Africa through the collaborative application of scientific and indigenous knowledge, improved livelihoods, and good governance. The ACC produces cutting edge ecological research and community-based conservation practices.
Agricultural Watershed Institute Founded in Decatur, Illinois in 2003, the Agricultural Watershed Institute was created to address issues of erosion, nutrient management, and pollution in American waterways, specifically Lake Decatur, the Mississippi River Basin, and the Gulf of Mexico. More of a regional focus in the United States.
AgroEcology Fund Found in 2012, this is a multi-donor fund supporting agroecological practices and policies centered around viable food systems, the economic well-being of small farmers, and mitigation of climate change. Global donors include organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
Aranya Agricultural Alternatives Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Telangana, India, this organization works with rural farming communities in India to achieve food and nutrition security through permaculture farming practices. They work with the forests’ self-regulating ecosystem in an effort to protect soil management, diversity cropping, and seed saving.
Asian Vegetable Breeding Consortium Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Taiwan, this organization conducts research to improve vegetable varieties and production systems that can be adapted to high temperature extremes. Their Genebank currently contains over 60,000 germplasms and employs 344 scientists. Focused primarily in Asia and Africa.
Biodynamic Association The Biodynamic Association (BDA) is a charitable organisation founded in 1929 to foster and promote biodynamic farming and gardening in the UK.
Bioversity International Founded in 1974 and headquatered in Rome, Italy, this global research organization works to support small farmers in developing countries with sustainable agriculture practices and conservation efforts. They believe agricultural biodiversity helps both humans and the earth in improving nutrition while mitigating climate change.
Camino Verde Living Seed Bank Founded in 2006 and headquatered in Peru, this organization is committed to restoring the Amazon rainforest by planting over 20,000 seedlings a year representing over 400 Amazonian tree species. Very local reach, only 10 full-time staff members.
Canada Green Building Council The Canada Green Building Council works to build and innovate high-performing, healthy green buildings in Canada.
Canadian Environmental Law Association The Canadian Environmental Law Association is a non-profit specialty legal aid clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario. CELA works to protect human health and our environment by seeking justice for those harmed by pollution and by working to change policies to prevent such problems in the first place.
The Carbon Underground Founded in 2013 and headquatered in Los Angeles, the Carbon Underground is committed to adopt regenerative agriculture in order to reverse the climate crisis. At present, its reach is more locally focused and based in California.
Ceres Founded in 1989 and headquartered in Boston, Ceres promotes sustainable business practices by working with Fortune 500 firms to encourage environmentally sustainable business practices that reduce pollution and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Civil Eats Founded in 2009, Civil Eats is a news organization providing critical thought about the American food system and shifting the conversation about sustainabile agriculture.
Conservation International Founded in 1987 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, this organization works with scientists, local communities, and practitioners to protect nature, global biodiversity, and human communities by promoting sustainable business and agriculture.
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Montpellier, France, CGRIAR has created a global network of fifteen agricultural research centers working to aid food-insecure communities and manage natural resources in the face of climate change.
Coventry University Research Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience is a flagship research centre at Coventry University, that through its focus on food and water, develops and integrates new knowledge in social, agroecological, hydrological and environmental processes, as well as the pivotal role that communities play in developing resilience.
Croatan Institute Croatan Institute is an independent, nonprofit research institute whose mission is to harness the power of investment for social good and ecological resilience.
The Cultural Conservancy Through the Native Foodways program, the Cultural Conservancy seeks to improve the lives of Native community members in California, revitalize Native plant species, and improve local health and environmental justice.
The David Suzuki Foundation Founded in 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation is one of Canada’s most trusted environmental organizations. The Foundation seeks to increase environmental rights, find climate solutions, and increase and protect biodiversity.
Defra Defra is responsible for improving and protecting the environment, growing the green economy and supporting world-class food, farming and fishing industries in England.
Digital Green Founded in 1997 and headquartered in San Francisco and New Delhi, this organization works to supply technology to small farmers. This helps the farmers support their community in a way that is nutrition-sensitive, climate-resilient, and incluisve. They also have a website that allows farmers to record and post videos of their problems and success stories. Over 150,000 farmers are active on this platform, including farmers in the US, India, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Afghanistan.
Earth Ministry Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Puget Sound, Washington, this religious organization believes the Bible instructs humans to be stewards of the Earth and advocates for strong environmental policies and environmental justice in the Pacific Northwest.
Ecoagriculture Partners Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Washington D.C., the purpose of this organization is to advance integrated landscape management in agriculture practices to restore biodiversity and work with the existing landscape rather than cutting and clearing.
The Ecological Farming Association Founded in 1981 and headquartered in Soquel, California, this nonprofit connects farmers, ranchers, distributors, retailers, activists, and researchers to advocate for more ecological farming practices. They hold workshops and also have a mentoring program for beginning farmers. They have worked with over 60,000 people across the US.
Environmental Defence Enviromental Defence, a leading Canadian enviromental advocacy organization, has been active for more than thirty years, working at the municipal, provincal, and federal level to defend clean water, a safe climate, and healthy communities.
Environmental Defense Fund NutrientStar Program Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Harlan, India, this organization provides funds to farmers for new technology such as sensors, tractors, and satellites to track crop health, make planting decisions, and guide fertilizer use to improve sustainability on their farms.
First Peoples Worldwide Founded in 1997 and part of the University of Colorado, First Peoples Worldwide seeks to achieve a sustainable future by building awareness and education for Indigenous Peoples and industry groups, aligning business behavior with the rights of Indigenous People, and convening consensus-driven dialogue between stakeholders.
Global Crop Diversity Trust Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Bonn, Germany, this is an international organization created solely for preserving and conserving seeds for crop diversity. The Crop Trust maintains a backup of crop seeds in Svalbard Global Seed Vault, the largest seed bank in the world.
Green Lands Blue Waters Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, this organization is focused on integrating perennial plants and other forms of continuous living cover into the agricultural landscape of the Upper Mississippi River Basin. While it is regionally focused, this organization is working with other researchers, universities, environmental groups, government agencies, businesses, farmers, etc. to expand their reach and expand research into continuous living cover crops.
A Greener World Headquartered in the United Kingdom, A Greener World (AGW) identifies, audits, certifies and promotes practical, sustainable farming systems by supporting farmers and informing consumers.
Greenpeace Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, Greenpeace is the world’s largest nonviolent, direct action environmental organization, boasting over 2.8 million members. Its members focus on mitigating climate change, protecting oceans and forests, reducing environmental pollutants, and transitioning to sustainable agriculture.
Grounded Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa, this organization partners with farmers across sub-Saharan Africa to develop regenerative businesses with a more profitable balance between nature and agriculture. They work to improve soil quality, increase vegetation cover, and add to the water table in African regions.
Heifer International Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, Heifer International promotes sustainable agriculture by educating farmers in sustainable practices in agriculture and livestock rearing. It has grown to reach a global audience, providing over 105 million people with animals and basic agricultural training in an effort to end world hunger and poverty.
Honor the Earth Established in 1993, Honor the Earth raises awareness and support for Native environmental issues and sustainable Native communities and provides financial and organizational support to Native environmental initiatives.
IFOAM - Organics International Founded in 1972, this is a membership-based organization that works to facilitate the transition to organic agriculture, raise awareness of the need for sustainable production and consumption, and advocate for policies that promote agroecological farming practices and sustainable development.
Indigenous Environmental Network Established in 1990, the Indigenous Environmental Network is an alliance of grassroots Indigenous Peoples that address environmental and environmental justice issues. IEN educates and empowers Indigenous Peoples to build strategies to protect the environment, health, and all life forms.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Berlin, Germany, the IATP works to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm, and trade systems by engaging in political advocacy and local engagement.
Kentucky Precision Agriculture Network Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Henderson, Kentucky, the University of Kentucky’s program, KPAN, is working to develop new GPS technology to increase efficiency in agriculture while restoring and mitigating the effects of environmental damage. Examples include GPS receiver testing, yield monitor testing, GIS analysis of yield data, soil conductivity, soil samples, and variable rate fertilizer application.
Kiss the Ground Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Los Angeles, California, this NGO works to regenerate land and reverse climate change through rebuilding healthy soil. They have educational campaigns and work with farmers, educators, NGOs, scientists, students, and policymakers to advocate for regenerative agriculture. They also drive brands and businesses to develop more sustainable supply chains worldwide.
The Land Institute Founded in 1976 and headquartered in Salina, Kansas, this organization focuses on developing perennial grains, puses and oilseed crops that mimic the diversity of natural ecosystems. They work with a global network of ecologists and plant breeders to develop an agricultural system that can produce ample food while minimizing negative environmental effects of industrial agriculture.
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies Founded in 2005, LUCSUS is a team of international research and teachers that addresses complex sustainability issues with a “solutions-based” approach that integrates natural and social sciences.
Mad Agriculture Founded in Boulder, Colorado in 2018, Mad Agriculture works in the central US through farm planning, community support, capital contributions, and connections to crop and carbon markets to implement regenerative principles and agricultural practices.
Mara Naboisho Conservancy A ground-breaking tourism and conservation effort, the Naboisho Conservancy was created in 2010 and is located on land owned by 500 Masai families in Kenya. The private ownership of the Naboisho Conservancy allows for a conservancy model that combines conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, tourism, and the enhancment of the local communities.
Millennium Seed Bank Partnership Founded in 1996 in Sussex, England, this is one of the largest plant conservation projects in the world, which collects and plants seeds from around the world to protect against plant extinction. This seed bank contains over one billion seeds, representing over 40,000 species of plants, and employs over 350 scientists.
National Resources Defense Council Founded in 1970 in New York City, this is a collection of over 350 lawyers, scientists, and professionals who work with businesses and government officials in the US to advocate for clean energy, pollution prevention, and sustainable food and water systems.
New Roots International Founded in 2020, New Roots International is a new initiative from The Land Institute to ignite and lead global perennial grain research.
One Acre Fund Founded in 2006 in Kakamega, Kenya, the One Acre Fund works to provide seed and fertilizer loans and training in sustainable agricultural techniques to small-scale farmers in Western Africa. As of 2017, One Acre Fund has helped over 130,000 small farmers.
Organic Trade Board The OTB started in 2009 with the clear vision to make organic an everyday choice. OTB brings the efforts of the UK organic industry together to collectively raise awareness and grow sales for organic.
Oxford Real Farming Conference Started in 2010, the Oxford Real Farming Conference highlights alterantives to conventional farming and has grown to a gathering of the agroecological farming movement in the UK.
Planet Politics Institute Plant Politics is a virtual institute run by international relations scholars, diplmats, and leaders from around the world. The Planet Politics Institute connects Earth-centered academic research with real world action in the fight against climate change and environmental injustice.
Promethean Power Systems Founded in India in 2007, this organization designs and manufactures refrigeration systems and chilling applications in off-grid areas where electricity is scarce or non-existent. They are battery operated, eliminating the need for diesel generators.
RegenAg Founded in Queensland, Australia in 2010, this organization works to provide farmers with education and training to learn the world’s most innovative and effective regenerative agriculture practices. They hold courses, workshops, and field days to help monitor farm fertility through beneficial microbe capture and reproduction, water cycle repair, soil building, and other holistic management strategies.
Regeneration International Founded in 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin, this organization works to create global alliances through education, network-building, and policy advocacy to reverse global warming, end world hunger, and regenerate ecological health.
Revision International Founded in Denver, Colorado in 2007, the purpose of this organization is to create global sustainability by focusing first on sustainable projects at a local community level in Colorado.
Rewilding Britain Rewilding Britain is an independent charity committed to catalysing rewilding and influencing rewilding policy across all of Britain.
Rodale Institute Founded in 1947 in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, through research and education, their mission is to transition farmers to wholly organic production and regenerate the soil. This organization’s reach is primarily based in Pennsylvania.
The Savanna Institute Founded in 2013 in Madison, Wisconsin, this organization aims to lay the groundwork for widespread agroforestry in the Midwest by focusing on perennial food and fodder crops in a polyculture system. Works to reduce pollution and soil erosion and eliminate permaculture generally.
Savory Institute Founded in Boulder, Colorado in 2009, the goal of the Savory Institute is to create an international network of entrepreneurial innovators and leaders committed to holistic management of food systems. This institute has a global impact, especially from an education standpoint.
Science & Environmental Health Network Founded in 1994, the Future Generation Guardianship Program (founded in 2006) is a sub-group of SEHN that is dedicated to advocate for existing organizations who work to preserve biodiversity for future generations.
Seeding Sovereignty A Indigenous womxn-led collective, Seeding Sovereignty seeks to shift social and environmental paradigms by dismantling colonial institutions. Seeding Sovereignty seeks to amplify the role of Indigenous knowledge and diversify the environmental movement.
Seed Savers Exchange Founded in 1975 in Decorah, Iowa, this organization’s mission is to save and share heirloom seeds in America through a seed bank and a website allowing communication and exchange of seeds in America.
Sierra Club Founded in 1892 in Oakland California, the Sierra Club is one of the oldest and largest environmental organizations in the United States focused on advocating for environmental legislation such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act, as well as advocating against reliance on fossil fuels. It boasts over 750,000 members in the United States.
Slow Foods Founded in 1989 in Bra, Italy, this is an international organization dedicated to food that is “good, clean, and fair.” Works to advocate for small-scale producers, and farmers committed to biodiversity. This organization has over 100,000 members organized in over 1,600 local chapters globally.
Slow Foods USA Founded in 2000 in Brooklyn, New York, this organization seeks to reconnect Americans with traditional, sustainable farming practices. Over 150 local chapters working to educate and reconnect Americans with local food systems.
Soil Association Founded in 1946 in Bristol, England, the Soil Association works to campaign against intensive farming and advocates for local purchasing and organic agriculture. They also campaign for animal welfare in agriculture and educational programs for sustainable farming innovation. This is the largest charity in the UK campaigning for healthy, humane, and sustainable food, farming, and land use.
Soil Capital Founded in Belgium in 2013, Soil Capital is committed to aiding farmers in shifting their operations toward regenerative agriculture to focus on improving soil health, reducing pollution, and increasing carbon capture. Soil Capital currently has projects underway in Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
Soil Foodweb Institute Provides expert analysis and advice to empower primary producers to maintain healthy soil. They analyze micro-organism activity and create tailored plans for farmers so they can achieve a sustainable, productive farming system. It has a global reach and serves thousands of farmers.
Shumei International Shumei International is a non-governmental organization headquartered in Japan, based on the philosophy of Mokichi Okada, who developed Natural Agriculture. With a goal to promote a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world and with each other, Shumei works to share knowledge about the Natural Agriculture approach to farming, which regenerates the land, water and soil. Natural Agriculture cultivates a renewed appreciation of beauty and living in harmony with nature.
Sustainable Agriculture Network Founded in 1997 in Costa Rica, this organization’s mission is to create a global network of organizations committed to sustainable farming in rural communities. They also work with companies and large-scale producers to move forward with more sustainable production.
Sustainable Harvest International Founded in 1997 in Boston, Massachusetts, this NGO works in Central America to promote sustainable alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture. They also work to restore environments affected by slash-and-burn agriculture.
Terra Genesis International Founded in 2010 in Driggs, Idaho, this NGO has global reach as a regenerative design consultancy NGO. It includes engineers, permaculture design experts, agroecologists, foresters, carbon scientists, and financial analysts that help large-scale agriculture businesses redesign their supply chains to be more sustainable.
The Timbanktu Collective Founded in 1996 in Bangalore, India, this organization works in rural India to restore degraded ecosystems in rural Indian communities. They work to restore wastelands by planting indigenous trees, reviving traditional water-harvesting structures, and restoring soil health through in organic farming.
Traditional Native American Farmers Association Formed in 1992 and headquartered in Santa Fe, New Mexico, TNAFA seeks to revitalize traditional agriculture. The organization creates awareness and support for Native environmental issues and develops educational programs for Native farmers.

Photo: Johan Swanepoel/