What you can do for the GRP

Please help us serve you and others by contributing ideas, perspective linkages, and energy to the Global Restoration Project. We are not asking for financial contributions because we operate largely on volunteered time and effort, reflecting our passion for global restoration in the areas of energy, technology, agroecology, and law. But we welcome such inputs as:

  • Sending new items we can include in our newsletters
  • Writing a Working Paper reflecting detailed ideas and assessment on a topic within the GRP’s range of view.
  • Writing an “Invited Essay” providing a brief comment (2-4 pages) on a GRP-related topic.
  • Writing a book review or book recommendation
  • Letting us know of any GRP-adjacent work you’re doing
  • Keeping up with us on Twitter here.
  • Subscribing to our newsletter, the GRP Gazette, issued every other Friday

In all these ways – and others that you can surely think of – your involvement with the Global Restoration Project (whether a little or a lot) can contribute to our aim of giving measured, intelligent attention to the cluster of environmental and legal issues facing our species today, in the hope of addressing them with the urgency they deserve.

If you’d like to contribute to our effort, please email Contact@GlobalRestorationProject.org. We look forward to hearing from you!